Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 15, 2010

The Joint Board Meeting
was held Tuesday evening at the Ravines.
Our thanks to PP Dan for a delicious dinner!

Board actions included the following:
- One newly proposed member received first Board approval.
- Pat Harris has been appointed to head a task force of our "docs" to review our blood screening tests for next year.
- PDG Shann reported that the environmental photos our club purchased for the Water Works project are ready to hang.
Work on the kiosk is progressing nicely and the committee is working with a consultant from Gainesville.
- Dennis Childers has resigned from our club.
Three members were granted a leave of absence: Mary Ellen, Robbie and Tim.

President-elect Rusty and President Anand preside at the meeting.

PDG Shann talks about Water Works.

Dawn, John, Doug, Dan and Derek enjoy some social time after dinner.

Dan and Derek talk it over.

Peggy checks out our web site on the iPAD.

Pat, Nadine, Peggy and Bob talk tech.

President Anand rules!

President-elect Rusty talks budget with Wayne.