Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fleming Island Rotary Run - Who is the Fastest Club in District 6970

While most of our club was enjoying the Rotary picnic, Quincy and Tim were busy defending our right to being the Fastest Club in District 6970. Everyone on our team finished with excellent times but the winner of the trophy won't be announced until May 10 at the Awards Banquet. Our runners did very well:
- 3rd place for the entire race: Matthew Hurst in 17:25 minutes
- 1st place men 18 to 24: Winston Fletcher in 18:06 minutes
- 2nd place men 18 to 24: Tim Turner in 20:38 minutes
- 2nd place men 55 to 59: Quincy Masters in 23:50 minutes

Our team won first last year - the winner will be announced at the Awards Banquest on May 10.

Quincy races across the finish line.

Tim comes in behind Winston.

Quincy and Tim warm up before the race.