First Annual Rotary Picnic at Rodeheaver's Boys Ranch
was very well organized thanks to John C., President Anand, and the great Rodeheaver staff - as you can see from the pics, there were lots of fun activities - hayrides, target practice, fishing, golf practice, meeting animals, horseshoes, etc. Dinner was served in the Ed Beckler Park right on the River. The food was delicious - hamburgers and hotdogs, barbeque chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, beans, fruit, brownies, rolls, and all the fixings. Truly a picnic lovers' feast. And, there were lots of Rotarians with their children, grandchildren, and friends. Sure hope we can do this again next year!
Shann and Gracie look over the "Grace" Pasture.
All the children love the horses.
And, the adults are a bit "horsey" too!
Let's feed them.
President Anand is all smiles.
Yummy food!

Let's all dig in!
Sheila and Anand enjoy the big event!
And, a great close-up shot!
He's checking it all out!
Woody makes all the girls cry!
Woody is better with boys!

Bill and Bonnie relax at the water front.
Now that's a big tractor.
John keeps us organized.
Time for a hay ride.
Wayne gets ready for target practice.