Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010

41st Meeting of

April 27th, 2010

President Anand
Importance of College Education

A Jewel of our Community

My Job

PP Dan
Pre-meeting Fellowship

A busy Meeting Hall

PP Skip and team
Labeling the Children Reading books

Training Session
"Reading to 2nd Graders'
Led by Hartley

Japanese Plums
Birds get them before the mankind

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010

40th Meeting of
President Anand
April 20th 2010

Pledge: PDG Shan
Invocation: PDG Shan
Welcoming: PP Gary
Training of Officers in Rotary: PP Gary
Sergeant at Arm: PP John

Dr. Joe distributing the bulletin at the head table
President Anand and PDG Shan

Hall Wilkening
Conserving water
Our Speaker

Program Chair
Last Saturday April 17th he led the
Project Play Day,
Two gates were built,
Two truck loads of mulch was spread,
Plaques are removed for refurbishing.

Our Thanks to Georgia Pacific
for donating the mulch and man power to build the gates.

Kevin is multiple Hat Rotarian

Welcome to Rotary

New Member

New Member

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13, 2010

39th Meeting of
President Anand
April 13, 2010

Pledge: PP John
Invocation: Ted
Welcome: Tim
Program Chair: Michelle
Sergeant at Arm: Joe

President Anand
with Don

Kenny Eubanks, Commissioner
our speaker

Program Chair

Perfect Don
Maximum Years of Perfect Attendance


and her guests

Spring is finally here
Thank God

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fleming Island Rotary Run - Who is the Fastest Club in District 6970

While most of our club was enjoying the Rotary picnic, Quincy and Tim were busy defending our right to being the Fastest Club in District 6970. Everyone on our team finished with excellent times but the winner of the trophy won't be announced until May 10 at the Awards Banquet. Our runners did very well:
- 3rd place for the entire race: Matthew Hurst in 17:25 minutes
- 1st place men 18 to 24: Winston Fletcher in 18:06 minutes
- 2nd place men 18 to 24: Tim Turner in 20:38 minutes
- 2nd place men 55 to 59: Quincy Masters in 23:50 minutes

Our team won first last year - the winner will be announced at the Awards Banquest on May 10.

Quincy races across the finish line.

Tim comes in behind Winston.

Quincy and Tim warm up before the race.

April 10, 2010

First Annual Rotary Picnic at Rodeheaver's Boys Ranch
was very well organized thanks to John C., President Anand, and the great Rodeheaver staff - as you can see from the pics, there were lots of fun activities - hayrides, target practice, fishing, golf practice, meeting animals, horseshoes, etc. Dinner was served in the Ed Beckler Park right on the River. The food was delicious - hamburgers and hotdogs, barbeque chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, beans, fruit, brownies, rolls, and all the fixings. Truly a picnic lovers' feast. And, there were lots of Rotarians with their children, grandchildren, and friends. Sure hope we can do this again next year!
Shann and Gracie look over the "Grace" Pasture.

All the children love the horses.

And, the adults are a bit "horsey" too!

Let's feed them.

President Anand is all smiles.

Yummy food!

Let's all dig in!

Sheila and Anand enjoy the big event!

And, a great close-up shot!

He's checking it all out!

Woody makes all the girls cry!

Woody is better with boys!

Bill and Bonnie relax at the water front.

Now that's a big tractor.

John keeps us organized.

Time for a hay ride.

Wayne gets ready for target practice.

It's a fun ride!

Anand is doing target practice with his giant camera!

John C. relaxes with Doug and Tayor on the water front.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 6th 2010

38th Meeting of
President Ananad

April 6, 2010

President Anand

Our Speaker
Georgia Pacific

Mary Ellen

A love Song

Sunday, April 4, 2010

March 30th 2010

37th Meeting of
President Ananad

March 30th 2010

President Anand and Ben

Sonia Himmelberg
Our Speaker

PP (1967) Otha and Jean
Club Singing

Our Newest Rotarian