Sunday, July 5, 2009

Istallation June 30, 2009

Last Meeting of
President Garry
Istallation of the
90th President of our Club

President Anand

Honor Guard: Boy scouts of America
Invocation: ifti
Installation: PDG Shan
Arrangements: Dawn

President Anand
Displaying 90 years old Charter of the club

President Anand
First address to the club

President Gary
pinning the 90 years old presidents pin

Past President Gary Getchell passes the President's pin to Anand Kuruvilla. Anand was installed as the 90th President of The Rotary Club of Palatka on June 30,2009.

PDG Shann was honored to install the new officers and directors. PDG Shann sponsored Anand when he joined our club in 1991.

Many Rotarians were in attendance for the event. Thank you to Dawn Miles and the Fellowship Committee for organizing a fun evening.

Past President Gary
Savoring his new job

Perfect ceremony arrangements

Last minute consultation
with PDG Shan

Promise will spend more time together

PDG Shan
Installation of new Officers

Rotarian of the Year
With his Fiance

PDG Shan and PP (morning Club) Mike

Pesident Ananad and Sheila
Looking forwrad to the year ahead

1 comment:

  1. Ifti - this looks great and now I can edit! It's going to be another great year for the Rotary Blog!
