Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 27, 2010

45 Meeting of
President Anand
May 27, 2010

Rotary Club of Palatka 2010 Vocational Service Awards S.T.E.P and Service Above Self Awards

Founded on the ideal of vocation and fellowship leading to service, Rotary strives to promote the value of each of the worthy vocations represented by its members. In keeping with this ideal, the Rotary Club of Palatka has, since 1995, presented annual awards to an outstanding local student, teacher, employer and practitioner as its S.T.E.P. awards. It also has honored an outstanding community volunteer who lives the Rotary motto: Service Above Self.

2010 S.T.E.P Winners

Student: Zachary Aldrich

Teacher: Kim Walther

Employer: Ben Bates

Practitioner: Jim Melfi

2010 Service Above Self:Marsha Davis-Flowers

Kim, Zach, Marsha, Ben and Jim are all smiles after the presentation.

Kim, Zach, Marsha, Ben and Jim are all smiles.

One more time.


Zach and family

Zach and family are all smiling.

President Anand and Rusty present Service above Self award to Marsha.

Don't they look terrific.

Jim Melfi receives his award from President Anand and Rusty.

Ben Bates receives the Employers award.

Congratulations Ben!

Kim Walther and President Anand

Now look at this camera!

Rusty presents award to Kim with President Anand.

President Anand congratulates Zach

What a wonderful student winner!

Rusty Starr has the honor of presenting the awards.

Rusty enjoys the presentation.

President Anand congratulates all the award winners.

Kim, Zach, Marsha, Ben and Jim pose together after the presentation.

Rusty Starr, Rotary Club of Palatka presented the awards.

Rusty and President Anand during the ceremoy.

Marsha receives Service above Self Award from Rusty and President Anand.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 18th 2010

44th Meeting of
President Anand
May 18th 2010

Recognizing outstanding seniors

President Anand joins Paul Harris Society

John, Chair annual giving presenting award

Quin, my job

PP John presenting Paul Harris Fellowship
to Derek
Outstanding Seniors
Interlachen High School
Martin, Chair Youth Activities presenting awards





Palatka High School

Student Advisor















Outstanding seniors
Interlachen High School
Palatka High School
Rotary Club wishes all the graduates
a very bright future.

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 10, 2010

The Rotary Club of Palatka wins Best Club, Premier Club, Best Community Service Project and Best Fund Raiser Project at the annual award banquet held at the Hyatt in Jacksonville.