Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 27, 2010

Rotary Blood Screening in Crescent City
PalatkaRotarians having fun in Crescent city!

Peggy, Pat and Kerry are ready to assist with registration.

Pat and Kerry are very organized.

KK offers some supervision.

Crescent City Blood Screening starts with
Rotary Girls Night out at Pat's house in Crescent City.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23rd 2010

32nd Meeting of
President Anand
February, 23. 2010

President Anand had to leave for India as his mother is sick. All club members pray for her health and safe return of President Anand.

PP Gary

John Moran
Florida Nature Photography
Our Speaker today

Kevin Curry - My Job - Georgia-Pacific Paper!

Haiti Report

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 15th 2010

31st Meeting of
President Anand
February 16th 2010

President Anand
Listening to the presentation

Anup Kuruvilla
Our Speaker
from Hong Kong

PP Dan
Proposing A new Paul Harris Fellow

Our Newest Paul Harris Fellow - Ed
PP Dan Presenting the pin, Medal and certificate


Fastest Rotarian
To Take the Trophy back to Orange Park
Hope to bring it back this year

Absorbed in the presentation

Getting to know our club
Reading Rotary Bulletin

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 13, 2010

Blood Screening Registraion at Palatka Health Care
Saturday February 13
Tim. Ted and Don help with registraion.

Pat Freemand and Pat Harris show Ted the ropes!

Svea is busy!

Over 100 people screened.

Mary, Tim and Ted are ready to register.


The lines are long.

Don is a pro at registraions!

February 10 and 11

Georgia-Pacific Blood Screening Registration

Despite freezing temperatures, Palatka Rotarians helped register 72 participants at Georgia-Pacific. Palatka Rotarians assisting with Georgia-Pacific on-site registration were Cindy Barlow, Kevin Curry, Brenda Atkins, Kerry Rowell, Melissa Miller, Quincy Masters, Nadine Long, Anand Kuruvilla, John Youell, Russ Castleberry, Shann Purinton, David Harrell, Bob Taylor, Woody Boynton, Mary Rich, Tim Turner, Skip Lorenzen, John Nelson, and Dennis Childers. They had help from Georgia-Pacific volunteers Beverly Pitts, Monique Branch, Audrey Mitchell, Tracey Kelly, and Sharon Ormiston.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb 9th, 2010

30th Meeting of
President Anand
February 9, 2010

Sweetheart Luncheon

President Anand
Troop from FLOARTS

Dance Motion

Dream - Dance

Dance - Flight

Dance - Fast pace

Dance and Poise

The Teacher

Alan R. Hentschel

Sweet Heart of a Sergeant of Arm
Forgave all the fines

Health Fair
Blood Screening Reports

President Anand
Wishing all a very
Happy Valentine

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 6, 2010

Health Fair and Blood Screening 2010

A very successful event: Chair Benjie Bates and Nadine Long are all smiles.

Pat and Wayne keep the money straight!

Quincy and Otha help with blood screening.

Marsha keep eveyone organized for screening.

Peggy and Wayne assist with credit cards and registration issues.

Otha and President Anand enjoy the event.

Pat and President Anand assist with registration.

Woody and Gary play with frogs and football???

KK answers questions.

President Anand and Kerry take a minute to relax.

FROGS are everywhere!

Mary helps out at the Cancer Center booth.

President Anand greets everyone.

Ellen and Isabel!

Ramesh and Ellen assist with PSA screening.

Interact Club assist with the event.

Shann, Rusty, Bert and Don act as greeters.

Grab the money and run! Our first blood draw was very successful.

Kerry, John and Doug help with registration.

KK meets and greets!

Shann, KK and friends.

Bob is on hand to help out.

Woody, Malissa, Skip and Nadine

Terry and friends.

Bloood Screening area is busy.

Pat works with our vendors to help make the event successful.